Read about some of the mentions that Bruno Law receives from news outlets.
What Is A “White Collar” Crime?
White Collar Crime
“White collar” crimes are typically nonviolent crimes that involve financial deception. These crimes may be committed knowingly or unintentionally. Click here to read more about white collar crimes.
Check Fraud in MN
General Criminal Law
What may stem from a difficult financial situation or a bad decision can easily turn into a criminal conviction. Under Minnesota law, check fraud can be punishable by hefty fines and even imprisonment.
Driving to Prison
General Criminal Law
If you are charged with Criminal Vehicular Operations (CVO) and Criminal Vehicular Homicide (CVH), you could could go to prison. That's why it is best to have a highly experienced criminal defense lawyer on your side.
Here is an overview of how the expungement process works in Minnesota. The process can be daunting, so call Bruno Law and we will handle all the red tape.
What Felonies Can Be Expunged in Minnesota?
Not all felonies are eligible for expungement, however, the State of Minnesota lists 50 felonies that may potentially be expunged. A criminal record, especially a felony, can create harsh consequences for many years. Contact Bruno Law for a consultation to discuss your case and whether you qualify for an expungement.
What Crimes Cannot be Expunged in Minnesota?
Here is an overview of what crimes cannot be expunged in Minnesota. The expungement process is a complicated process, so call Bruno Law to navigate the legalities and forms that are required.
Want Your Criminal Record Sealed?
Want to know if you are eligible to have your criminal record sealed? Use this Expungement Flowchart to determine if/when you are eligible for an expungement in Minnesota.
Ever wonder what will happen to your driver's license record after an arrest, charge, or conviction has been expunged? Well, it may not be completely "sealed", like you had thought.
Understanding Insurance Fraud: Common Types, Penalties, and How to Protect Yourself
White Collar Crime
Insurance fraud most often occurs when someone makes a false or exaggerated insurance claim, seeking compensation for an injury that wasn’t sustained, or a loss that wasn’t suffered. This crime can also be committed against customers through the sale of fake coverage, or theft of a customer’s premium by a broker.
Understanding White Collar Crime: Punishment and Consequences for Corporate Misconduct
White Collar Crime
White collar crime, often referred to as economic or corporate crime, refers to a wide range of non-violent offenses committed in professional or business settings. These crimes are characterized by the use of sophisticated schemes, deception, and manipulation for financial gain or other illicit benefits. Perpetrators often exploit their positions of trust and authority, taking advantage of privileged information and networks. White collar crime has significant consequences, affecting not only the immediate victims but also the overall integrity and stability of financial systems and business environments.
The Crime & Consequences of Identity Theft
White Collar Crime
Being charged with identity theft is a serious crime and the consequences can be severe. Learn how to protect your rights throughout the criminal justice process.
Top 10 Key Differences Between Adult and Juvenile Criminal Court
General Criminal Law
Age is not the only difference between a juvenile and an adult. The handling of their criminal cases is vastly different and requires someone with extensive experience.
Expungement is a court-ordered process in which the legal record of an arrest or a criminal conviction is "sealed," or erased in the eyes of the law. Find out how they work and how Bruno Law can help with your expungement case.
A driver is considered legally impaired in the United States when their blood alcohol content is 0.08% or higher. In the state of Minnesota, this is the legal limit for those operating both vehicles and boats. Although the state considers someone intoxicated if they have a BAC of 0.08% or higher, you can actually receive a BUI just for being intoxicated at all.
Understanding the High Stakes of Money Laundering: Penalties, Processes, and Legal Defense
White Collar Crime
Money laundering is a serious crime that carries significant legal consequences. Whether you are facing charges or have been accused of money laundering, it is crucial to understand the severity of this offense and the legalities involved.
Juvenile Drug Possession Charges Can Ruin Your Future
Drug Related Charges
Juvenile drug possession is serious and can have long-term consequences. Even though these cases are handled in the juvenile court system it is best to have an experienced attorney to review the facts and help you avoid unwanted penalties.
How Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Help Me?
General Criminal Law
Abraham Lincoln once said, "He who represents himself has a fool for a client." If you disagree with this statement, you better read about the many ways a criminal defense attorney can help you.
Can a DUI Be Expunged?
A DUI conviction can bring about long-lasting consequences. But even though that conviction is in the past, can it be expunged from your record?
Can My Roommate or Landlord Give The Police Permission To Search My Belongings?
General Criminal Law
The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects citizens from unreasonable government searches and seizures. This means that for police to search a home, they either need to have acquired a search warrant, identified an exception to the rule, or received consent from a resident.
Minnesota’s Hands-Free Driving Law: What It Is And How To Avoid A Ticket
General Criminal Law
Minnesota's Hands-Free Driving Law will go into effect on August 1, 2019. Here's what you need to know to avoid a ticket.
Fred Bruno Selected as 'Icon' in the Courtroom
General Criminal Law
On December 6, 2018 at the Hyatt in downtown Minneapolis, Frederic Bruno, along with 21 others, were recognized as the inagural class of Icon honorees from across the Minnesota business and legal communities. The honorees distinguish themselves as leaders in their fields and have been active in their communities and in mentoring the next generation. Sponsored by Finance & Commerce and Minnesota Lawyer as a way to pay tribute to titans of the boardroom and the courtroom, the honorees were selected by a panel of judges with legal and business expertise.
What to Expect with Unpaid Traffic Tickets?
General Criminal Law
Traffic tickets are no fun. But the consequences increase if you fail to take care of business and pay your traffic tickets on time.
Minnesota Cybercrime Law: Stay Informed & Stay Up-To-Date
General Criminal Law
Cybercrime is changing and evolving as fast as technology. And staying informed of cybercrime laws has become an all-out sprint to keep up with the rapid changes. Check out this list of cybercrimes so you can stay informed and up-to-date.
How The Expansion of Federal Cybercrime Laws Affects You
General Criminal Law
Although many cybercrimes are charged at the state level, there are a number of cybercrime charges that come from violating federal laws.
A DWI arrest may result in fines, license revocation, license plate impoundment, vehicle forfeiture, and possible jail time. It’s possible to avoid these penalties if you know your rights. Therefore, it’s important to know what happens during and after a DWI arrest.
April 2024
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
March 2024
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
February 2024
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
January 2024
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
December 2023
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
October 2023
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
August 2023
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
March 2023
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
February 2023
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
January 2023
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
December 2022
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
November 2022
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
October 2022
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
September 2022
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
August 2022
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
April 2022
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
March 2022
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
February 2022
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
January 2022
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
Here's How Long You Could Be In Jail For Selling Drugs In MN
Drug Related Charges
The state of Minnesota enforces strict laws over controlled substances. It is illegal to sell or possess a controlled substance without a prescription from a licensed physician.
Restricted use plates, often referred to as “whiskey plates,” are a not-so-uncommon sight to see on Minnesota highways and streets. The plates start with the letter “W” to indicate the alcohol-related offense. As of June 2012, there were over 16,000 whiskey plates in circulation in the state of Minnesota.
December 2021
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
November 2021
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
October 2021
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
September 2021
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
August 2021
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
March 2021
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
December 2020
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
What Is A Diversion Program?
General Criminal Law
In the state of Minnesota, offenders accused of or charged with criminal offenses may be eligible to participate in a diversion program in order to avoid charges, convictions, or jail.
November 2020
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
October 2020
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
September 2020
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
August 2020
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
When it comes to underage drinking and driving, Minnesota has a strict policy. The state’s “Zero Tolerance Law,” or a “Not a Drop Law,” means that any presence of alcohol, or other illegal substances, while operating or being in control of a motor vehicle is illegal for individuals under 21.
April 2020
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch
What Are My 4th Amendment Rights?
General Criminal Law
Dive into the depths of the 4th Amendment to uncover the critical protections it offers against unreasonable searches and seizures. Learn about the necessity of search warrants, the exceptions to the rule, and how these rights impact you.
Attorney Stephen Foertsch Named Partner
General Criminal Law
Bruno Law, PLLC, is pleased to announce that Stephen Foertsch has been named partner, effective January 1, 2020.
Attorney Frederic Bruno Achieves Recertification By The National Board of Trial Advocacy In Criminal Law
General Criminal Law
Bruno Law, PLLC, is pleased to announce that Fred Bruno, Bruno Law, PPLC’s founder, and principal attorney, has successfully achieved recertification as a criminal trial specialist by the National Board of Trial Advocacy.
February 2020
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
January 2020
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
December 2019
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides an up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
Minnesota Electric Scooter Laws
Electric scooters have taken the Twin Cities by storm. Here’s everything you need to know; from laws and regulations to dealing with an accident.
September 2019
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
April 2019
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch
January 2019
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch
April 2018
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch
March 2018
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law.
Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch
February 2018
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law.
Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch
January 2018
LEGAL-not so-EZE
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law. Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch.
December 2017
LEGAL-not so-EZE
LEGAL-not so-EZE©
A primer for lawyers & the legally curious. Bruno Law provides up-to-date legal analysis of recent criminal case law.
Written by: Samantha Foertsch and Stephen Foertsch
Can You Get Arrested For Shoplifting After The Fact?
General Criminal Law
So, hypothetically you go into Target and steal a few items. You make it out of the store without being caught. Can you still be arrested for shoplifting afterward?
Why You Should Get Your Criminal Record Expunged
General Criminal Law
Having a criminal record can seriously diminish your quality of life. One way to offset the issues that will come from your unfortunate situation is to get the record expunged.
9 Benefits of Hiring A Criminal Defense Lawyer
General Criminal Law
Are you facing charges for something that could affect your future? Whether innocent or guilty, it is a good idea to get a criminal defense lawyer to help you with your case.
DUI or DWI is a very serious offense. Not only can it result in severe punishment such as jail time and hefty fines, but the repercussions can be especially harsh if someone is injured while you were driving under the influence. In some cases, drivers are allowed to accept a plea deal rather than taking the chance of going to court and receiving a much harsher sentence. If you have been charged with DUI and you are thinking about taking a plea deal, here are some thing to consider.
Understanding Drug Paraphernalia Crimes in Minnesota: What You Need to Know
Drug Related Charges
Can a sock be considered drug paraphernalia? That’s a question that has made it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
How Can A Criminal Defense Lawyer Defend Someone Who Is Guilty?
General Criminal Law
It's an age-old question. High-profile cases in which seeming scoundrels are defended in court - and acquitted - turn the public against the lawyers who represented them. Or, when the public finds out a person was guilty and their lawyer knew it all along and still vigorously defended them, the reaction's usually negative. California lawyer Stephen Feldman, who defended David Westerfield, convicted of murdering a seven-year-old girl, is a good example of this.
Understanding Vehicular Homicide and Manslaughter: Legal Overview & Defense Strategies
General Criminal Law
**_Fatal Minnesota Accidents. _**Cases involving vehicular homicide are often very shocking and receive extensive media spotlight. An average day or a fun night out can end with very serious charges, including imprisonment, fines, and license revocation. One bad decision can spur a lifetime of devastating consequences.